Daesha Idreez |
To Uncle Leon |
December 12, 2011 |
To Uncle Leon
My name is Daesha Idreez and i will truely miss you uncle Leon. Even thow i was able to met you once, i'm glad i did was able to meet someone one my father's side of the family. Prayfully i will be able to meet to rest of my family one day and i would love to get to know everyone and my father willaim "Bill" johnson. I can be and please contacted me at 309-472-2593.
Daesha Idreez
Henry L. Bolden, II |
Pastor, Pentecostal Church of Jesus Christ |
December 12, 2011 |
To the family of Coolidge "Leon" Tyler
The pastor and members of the Pentecostal Church of Jesus Christ would like to extend to you and your entire family our deepest sympathy in the loss of your loved one. Even though our hearts are saddened, we pray that the Lord may comfort you in your time of sorrow.
May the Lord's precious promises bring you strength for today and hope for tomorrow. We also pray that the Lord comfort your hearts and bless you with endearing memories that you will always treasure.
He is with you even in this time of sorrow too deep for words.
God be with you,
Pastor Henry L. Bolden, II
First Lady Marcia J. Bolden
and the PCJC Church Family